
It feels a bit like a buzz word that past few years is “balance” and there’s all sorts of talk about finding balance and achieving balance and striking a balance. I used to think it was a bit bologna, and imagined that everyone simply needed to get into a schedule and repeat the same actions every day and then we wouldn’t really have to be balanced, but then things would still get done (but I guess that that’s a form of balance on its own). I’ve recently discovered that balance isn’t imaginary, and that it is, in fact, really difficult to find it. The most frustrating bit is when you’ve got your balance and then you lose it. For instance, when you finally get into a schedule of going to class, and doing homework, and keeping the house tidy, and going to yoga and eating your greens and drinking your water and then the next week it all goes out the window. Also annoying? Doing a yoga class devoted to balancing when you’ve got the worst balance in that class. Awkward.

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